Monday, March 26, 2012

Selvin and Friends goes public!

Selvin goes to School!

Last week I had the fantastic opportunity to visit Parkfields Middle School who have spent
the last few months supporting our “From Schools, For Schools” campaign.

It was great to meet with several members of the staff and learn about the marvelous
events that have taken place. From pancake sales and sponsored silences to long
durations of music playing, the children and staff have thought up of unique and
creative ways to raise substantial funds for Selvin.

To have the staff speak so highly of what we are trying to achieve was a
incredible feeling. Having support from those within the education sector just emphasises how important the project is.

On Friday 21st March I was fortunate enough to have the chance to speak to around 90
ten to twelve year old children who were just finishing their “Movie and Munchies”
event. It was great to be able to meet and speak to the children and have the opportunity to deliver a personal thanks for their amazing contribution. It was also a privilege to initiate a well deserved round of applause for the children for all of their efforts.

A huge thank you to Claire MacGregor (who introduced Selvin to the school), all of
the staff and especially the children for all of their efforts this year!

You will be able to read more about the events at Parkfields Middle School in our forthcoming

Swimming for Selvin!

On Sunday 25th March I was humbled and overjoyed to meet five extraordinary girls
from Parkfields Middle School who went above and beyond our expectations of the “From
Schools, For Schools” project. Aimee Titheradge, Anya Corvesor, Emma Larner,
Kathleen Renwick and Molly Gough gave up their Sunday (and the sunshine!) to
compete in an hour long relay swimathon at Flitwick Leisure Centre.

I arrived just as the girls were completing their event; cheered on by a great crowd
made up of family, friends and even school teachers. The girls managed an incredible
109 lengths of the pool during the allocated time, raising a great deal of money in the

Along with the swimming, a cake sale took place so the spectators had some treats to enjoy, 
raising even more funds for Selvin! It was also nice to see the girls have some well earned cake at the end of their brilliant efforts!

It was astonishing to see the girls drive and passion for supporting Selvin and Friends. It was wonderful to also have their families supporting them, reflecting the family connection we have here at Selvin HQ. A big, big thank you to all of the parents, siblings, other family members and school staff for their contribution before and on the day.

After the event I was privileged to meet the five girls, who were all still smiling, and
was able to join in with the applause they richly deserved. It was an honour to present them with their certificates and a selection of Easter Eggs for them to enjoy as a small sign of
our appreciation. We want to say a huge thanks to the girls for their determination, passion and drive to aid our cause. Well done to you all.


I can honestly say it has been a buzz to see the success of the first “From Schools, For Schools” campaign which lead to our very first Selvin Swimathon. To see the enthusiasm from children who want to help make a real difference for their peers, no matter the geographical distance between them, was truly heart warming. 


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